Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Wow....It's almost September!!

I know they say time flies when you're having fun, but really?  My goodness I can't believe I've not come back here to update before now.  So much has gone on!  Been busier than a one-armed paper hanger!  (Have I mentioned that I love Steel Magnolias?  Anytime I can quote Dolly Parton is a good time.)

So, we've gotten a big rolling start into our homeschool venture.  So far, so good.  :)  I've been really pleased with how well Jeremiah has done on his lessons.  We are using time4learning.com and I am very impressed so far with the quality of the lessons.  I appreciate that it captures his attention and more than a few times now he has asked, "Can I do one more?"  I love the parent features that allow me to see his progress and create reports for anything you could ever imagine wanting a report on.  Very helpful in keeping a thorough eye on his achievements.  His favorite part is the Story Creator where he is able to create a scene by illustrating using art tools and then writing a story in his own words that pertain to the lesson.  I would highly recommend time4learning.com to anyone who has a computer savvy child.  Also, it has proven to be a good transition for him coming from public school.  Couldn't be happier so far!

Jeremiah's work space

I am also enjoying the spelling and handwriting time we share.  A Reason for Spelling and A Reason for Handwriting both seem like they will be a good fit with us and our learning style.  Both incorporate scripture and lessons from the Bible.  I am anxious to begin our fall study using Bible Blast.


We've also started soccer and after 2 practices I will say without a doubt that this will be the best year so far!  The parents are super friendly and a great group of kids on the team.  It's always nice when you can sit with the other parents and everyone talk and enjoy being there opposed to feeling like the other parents hated being there and could care less to converse with you.  We all know I like to ramble...errr...talk.  Plus, I'm nosey and it's been fun so far to hear the low down on these people without even having to ask.  This is a welcomed change compared to previous teams.  Jeremiah is excited because Cody is once again assisting with the practice and coaching.

I've found it easy to balance everything thus far.  I have Olivia here during the day with Savannah and they are easily entertained while he does his work.  However, never underestimate the power of toddlers.  They're tough and they will quickly devise a plan to overthrow their ruler.  Nap is key.  When they sleep, ahhh precious sleep, Jeremiah and I get the most done.  Hey, most days I even get a shower!  ;)  Just kidding.  Maybe.  

Ok, it's almost time for lunch.  I will quickly share my boost for the day.  I was in prayer and thought this morning as the treat of hurricane Isaac is now creeping closer to our neighbors.  A song came to me  and I can't get it out of my brain.  I will simply share it here...

Again....Dolly Parton.  She's a running theme to my day as well it seems.  :)

Love and Blessings

Monday, August 13, 2012

Monday...Monday the 13th!

Where in the world did last week go?!  I know I didn't miss it because I remember the days...it's just that it doesn't seem possible that it's already Monday the 13th.  Which just made me ponder why it's Friday the 13th that we're supposed to freak out about?  Why not Monday?  It sounds much worse to me to have all the superstitions and dread fall on a Monday rather than Friday.

So, I've realized a couple of things over the last week.  I know you're dying to know all about them.  :)  

First, that I am more excited about homeschool now that we've started than I ever thought I would be.  We eased into the online curriculum starting on Tuesday and he did a great job!  I was surprised at how interested he was.  He navigated the site with ease and completed lessons with 100% success on the activity quizes and lesson tests.  I'm really liking the reports that I can generate that show me what needs to be completed each week to stay on schedule and that break down what he did, how long it took, and all of his scores.  The supplemental worksheets are working out nicely as I can print them ahead of time and have them in his folders ready as he works through his day.  So far, after a week of use, I am impressed with Time4Learning.  I hope it continues to go so well!

Second, I think that my excitement over getting started may have proven to be a little premature.  I should have realized that it may not have been a good idea to start before the other kids got back to public school.  Ordinarily they would have started last week, but the schools starting date was pushed back to August 20th in most places.  So, this leaves our household in a bit of a difficult mix.  The older two who are here half the time are still attending public school and that is making days like this week a little hard to get Jeremiah into a good routine.  Luckily it's only this week and then everything can settle.  I don't want to put a gap in the lessons, but it makes sense.  Especially since Jeremiah will be going for another short visit to one of his grandmother's house at the end of this week.  I'd rather postpone I guess than try to cram it all into two days.  :(  I know that's the joy of homeschool though.  Being flexible and rolling with any punches is a good thing.

Third, I missed my little Olivia and am glad to have her back during my days again.  Savannah Grace especially enjoys her company.  There's a big difference in the Olivia I have now compared to the little Olivia that I started out with!  She's such a sweet child and wow...she's a smart little thing!  I'm loving that I get to watch her grow.

Gosh...I had a mental list of things that I wanted to share and now am a blank.  LOL  It must be a Monday the 13th thing.  :)

Maybe after the 2 toddlers knock me in the head a few times, the 7 yr old will get up from slumber and join the party, and hopefully the 12 & 14 year olds may get up by lunch to finish up the beginning to my crazy day.  :)  I may be able to snag a piece of afternoon and remember the thoughts I had earlier.  We shall see....

James 1: 17   Every good thing given and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shifting shadow.

Friday, August 3, 2012

It's Friday!!! Wait...already?!?

It has been one lazy week around here.  Well, I say lazy but that doesn't count the million loads of laundry, ironing, and changing beds a few hundred times it seems because of the two little sick humans that have been keeping me on my toes.  SG started out last week with fever and just feeling yucky. A few days later it became evident that she had hand, foot, mouth.  Ick.  So, she feels better but is covered in a funky rash.  Then once she's starting to get over it all her mommy was really stupid and let her have juicy juice boxes as a treat with her snacks and lunch.  She ordinarily only has diluted apple juice.  Yeah, that brings on diarrhea.  2 days worth.  Once it hit me that the culprit was the juice boxes (duh!!) she got better and the pull-up crisis ended happily without casualty....except for the carpet...but I digress.

Then, it was Jeremiah's turn.  Tuesday night he was all smiles and his regular ol self at bedtime.  A few hours later he turned into the Exorcist.  Poor baby.  :(  The following day he ran a fever that spiked crazy every time meds wore off.  He slept a ton.  Only managed a popsicle which turned his lips and mouth a greenish color.  He looked bad before, but the lack of oxygen appearance to his lips made it that much worse.  Sad thing was that he missed his church performance that he's practiced for all summer.  Every Monday the kids had music for 3 hours in preparation for a musical set for Wednesday night.  Little man was terribly sad when he realized he wasn't going to be able to attend.  Those who know him, know that he loves to perform, sing, dance, well...anything that involves having fun and showing out a little.  

Yesterday was better.  Today seems that we're all back to "normal".  I almost don't want to type that out loud in fear of the sickie monster hearing me and coming back for more. 

Flashback! Savannah 3mths and Jeremiah 6yrs

So, the only other bummer about it is that I had hoped to work this week to get a lot done here in the house and to finish prep for our school days to begin on the 6th.  I still am planning on us starting up next week, but easing into it a little and get into full swing by the next Monday.  :)  I'm so excited for him to start using time4learning.  The more I've looked at all the features on the site, the more excited I get to start seeing accomplishments.  I've also ordered the material needed for our first unit of arts and crafts.  I don't know really if it's called a "unit" but I'm making it one.  I wanted to do blocks of time to focus on certain art projects that have meaning and serve our God by helping others.  I can't take credit for that idea as it was actually Jeremiah that shared his desire to do something nice for a friend of his and I thought it would be a great thing to incorporate.  I'm so excited!!

I was struggling with feelings of guilt and sadness at the end of his last school year as I knew his time in public school was ending.  I feared he would miss his friends greatly and it would be all my fault.  I worried that his outgoing personality would suffer from not being around people all day.  I still have emotions about it all, but I'm no longer in doubt over our decision.  I have prayed and prayed and although I knew long ago that this is what I am led to do, I was searching for a peace to come over me and for the worry to vanish.  I thought it would take time as we eased into the new lifestyle for me to slowly find that peace only in confirmation of things gone well.  I am sure that will be a huge positive, but the peace I have prayed for came to me this week as I was here caring for my sick babes.  Their lives, their love, their happiness, their health, their...well, their everything...is mine to give, protect, instill, love, and cherish.  I am the mommy.  :)  God entrusted me with these little humans and I promised Him I would take care of them.  I was blessed when Jeremiah was born that my wonderful mother was there and did all those things for Jeremiah while I worked.  No doubt why he is as great as he is today!  My appreciation for being able to be here with my children now is beyond anything words can describe.  It's my time with them now and I've got to make good on my promise.
My sweet boys
My beautiful girls

I know that what we are embarking on the right path.  I have little to no idea if I'm doing it all correctly, but I've got faith that God will lead and as long as we are doing it for His glory and living a life of blessings...then it's all going to be ok.

My encouragement today comes from...

Philippians 4: 6-9  Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.  And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, dwell on these things.  The things you have learned and received and heard and seen in me, practice these things, and the God of peace will be with you. 

Monday, July 30, 2012

Jeremiah was a bullfrog...

This little face owns my heart.  This is our Jeremiah.  Our Curly.  Our Bullfrog.  Our JP.  He will be 8 this fall and is going on 14.  He is the sweetest soul I know and there isn't a day that goes by that I don't thank God for blessing my life with him.

He loves Star Wars.  He eats, sleeps, and breaths Xbox and Halo would be his favorite game.  He enjoys playing soccer, but he's still got major skills to develop.  ;)  He likes cheering his team on while taking a water break more than he does playing at this point.  He is theatrical.  He never hesitates to bust a move and does so with no inhibitions....seriously, no inhibitions.  He wishes he were a comedian, but so far he's only come up with one joke that is actually funny.  (What kind of music does Yoda like?....wait for it....Yodeling! bwahaha)  He is an avid consumer of candy.  He appreciates a good pack of Skittles over chocolate and that assures me his DNA is made up of very little mommy.

He smiles all the time.  Laughs at everything.  He never meets a stranger and walks right up to kids and introduces himself.  He always says he has made a new friend even if there is no doubt he'll never see them again.  He is outgoing and willing to help anyone in need.  One example of his hearts desire to give to others was immediately after the tornado outbreak in April 2011 here in Alabama, he wanted to organize a toy drive and donate all his toys and get other kids to do the same in order to send to the children that had lost everything.  I sat thinking of the adults who lost their homes, cars, jobs...and his first thought was the children.  It made my heart smile.

A few months ago he was sitting at the dinner table and told me that he'd decided what he wanted to do when he grows up.  I asked what that might be and his answer was a preacher, a missionary.  I must admit it surprised me at first because I was thinking the standard doctor, lawyer, famous actor.  After I stood there teary eyed for a moment, it was no longer a shock as it fits him perfectly.  I can see him doing just that.  I close my eyes and I dream of an adult version of my baby boy and I see him traveling and sharing his love for Jesus.  It's no doubt a special gift as it's not something that I did a great job of instilling in him.  I pray that what we've done as a family over the last few years and what we pray for our family for years to come will be what he needs to remain strong in his desires.  One choice being the new adventure of homeschool.  I hope it allows him time to study the Bible and incorporate biblical views into all subjects of study.  I hope it allows his innocence to hang around a bit longer so that he grows to appreciate it before it's gone.  

So, this is Jeremiah.  I feel like I could write a novel about him.  Not sure really why I wrote the above. I just wanted to boast a moment as I'm a very proud mommy.  I look forward to spending my days with him as he learns and grows.  He's an awesome kid and to God I give all the glory.  

Jeremiah 29:11-13 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.  Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you.  You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart."

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Journey: Day 1

Well, here we are.  Right in the middle of an ending and a beginning.

As I prepare for this new venture in our lives, I reflect on where we've been and where we are heading.   I can't help but feel extremely blessed where both are concerned despite both places being vastly different.  If you had asked me 10 years ago if I thought I would be a stay at home mom, married to a man that I would adore, and be newly saved by Jesus and happily learning and growing in Christ...oh, and all this while gaining 4 beautiful children...I would have laughed.  Not because I could never imagine such, but because I never felt that those dreams would ever come true.  I had no idea of the changes, twists and turns that life would make in order for God's plan to come together.  I am so underserving.  I am so thankful.

Another new beginning:  As I wrap up the planning for the coming school year, I felt it would be a great time for me to journal our days as I know they will all soon be a blur.  It will be our first year to homeschool.  Jeremiah (age 7.75) will be starting his 2nd year of studies.  He attended public school for K and 1st grades.  I also have here with me my Savannah Grace (age 2.75) who will hopefully be a sponge to preschool activities.  As well as Olivia (age 1.5) who I keep daily while her mommy works.  She is absolutely eager to learn and will be fun to watch what she can soak in.  Jeremiah had a great time in public school and did a super job in behavior and academics.  I think public school is great, and have never had an issue with teachers or the way my child was guided.  I simply feel that I've been called to provide my children a different way of learning.  I hope that this new venture turns out to be everything I know it can be.  With God's many blessings, everything will be awesome.

How we're getting started:  Given that Jeremiah is a very techy little guy, he asked if he could do any of his work on the computer.  I looked into several options and have chosen to ease into things by keeping it slightly mainstream so that it's not greatly different from the style of learning he is accustomed to.  He will be obtaining credit for his core subjects via Time4Learning.  It's an online academic course that looks like it's going to be perfect for him.  He completed several of the demonstrations and loved it. 
(I've been invited to try Time4Learning for one month in exchange for a candid review. My opinion will be entirely my own, so be sure to come back and read about my experience. Time4Learning can be used as a homeschool curriculum, for afterschool enrichment and for summer skill sharpening. Find out how to write your own curriculum review for Time4Learning.)
I have also chosen to use A Reason for Handwriting and A Reason for Spelling.  Both are centered around scripture and inspirational content.  He also is very interested in history and despite the Social Studies course he'll be doing online, I wanted something that would offer a more broad understanding of world history.  I chose Big Book of History that chronicles from Creation through Obama (There's a big lesson!).  I look forward to digging into that as well, because I honestly can't answer half the questions JP comes up with.  Lastly, I saw a review of a Bible study online that I thought sounded great for him.  Bible Blast is a picture bible that is accompanied by a manual of discussion and questions for ages toddler - 5th grade.  It looks like a comic book, which in my opinion seems more geared toward boys, but it's supposed to great for all kids.  I look forward to this time together the most.

So, here we go!

I'm going to blog and you're going to like it.  LOL  Ok, maybe I'm not that cool, but I do hope that I can at least get some of our life out here so that along the way I can look back and smile...or cry...or sigh loudly.  :)

Romans 12:2 “And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.”